Who Will Pay Rose's Court Costs?

Dateline: 1 November 2011
By: Herrick Kimball
Moses holding the Ten Commandments—As can be seen on the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.


One of the big questions I had about this whole issue is...

"Are the taxpayers of Ledyard going to end up paying the legal costs for defending Rose Belforti when (or if) People For The American Way take this issue to court?"

So I e-mailed Rose and asked her about it.

She replied that, NO, the taxpayers will NOT be paying for her legal costs. 

The Alliance Defense Fund, a national legal defense association, has agreed to defend Rose, if the need arises. 

The taxpayers of Ledyard will not be responsible for any of the costs associated with her defense.

East Side of the US Supreme Court